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30 Secret Ways to Make Men Obsessed Over You Using Psychology

Are you eager to discover the secret ways to make men obsessed over you using psychology?

While you can't force someone to like you, there are proven dating tips and advice based on psychology that can help you understand how to captivate a guy's interest and make him think highly of you.

If you're looking to grab his attention and want to know how to persuade a guy to obsess over you, you've come to the right place. 

In this article, we will guide you step by step through these psychology-based dating strategies and tactics that are bound to make your man unable to resist chasing after you.

So, if you're ready to embark on this journey and make him obsessed with you, let's delve into the 30 Secret Ways Based on Psychology that will have him falling head over heels. 

Remember, it's not about manipulation, but rather creating a genuine connection and attraction that will make him unable to resist your charm. 

Buckle up and read till the end to master these strategies and ensure your man never stops chasing you.

Determine Your Desires

Before we delve into the psychology-based strategies to make men obsessed over you, it's essential to take a moment to evaluate your own desires and intentions. 

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of attracting someone's attention, but it's equally important to ensure that the person you're pursuing is the right fit for you.

While the strategies we'll discuss can be powerful in capturing a man's interest, they should be used responsibly and with genuine intentions. 

Ask yourself if this man aligns with your values, goals, and long-term vision for a fulfilling relationship. 

It's crucial to pursue someone with whom you can envision a future together, rather than simply seeking short-term gratification.

Taking the time to reflect on your desires will not only help you avoid potential heartbreak but also ensure that you approach these strategies with sincerity. 

It's important never to manipulate someone's emotions for selfish reasons. 

Instead, focus on finding a genuine connection and building a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

So, before you proceed, take a moment to evaluate if this man is someone you truly desire and see a potential future with. 

Trust your instincts and pursue someone who aligns with your values, interests, and vision. 

When you're certain that he is the right one for you, you can proceed with confidence and utilize these psychology-based strategies to capture his fascination and make him obsessed over you.

Psychology-Based Strategies

Now that you've determined that the man you desire is the right one for you, let's explore the psychology-based strategies that will make him obsessed over you. 

These techniques are designed to create a genuine attraction and connection, allowing you to captivate his thoughts and keep him coming back for more. 

Remember, these strategies should be used with authenticity and respect for both yourself and the person you're pursuing. 

Let's get started

1. Compliment Him 

Make it a point to highlight his positive qualities and achievements. Spend the majority of your time together gushing about how amazing he is. 

Show a genuine interest in his career, goals, and positive memories. 

Avoid discussing your own failures, health issues, or financial problems, especially in the early stages of the relationship. 

By making him feel wonderful and valued, you'll create a magnetic attraction that keeps him hooked.

2. Ask Him for Favors

According to studies, when someone performs a favor for another person, it increases their liking for that person. 

Take advantage of this phenomenon by asking your partner for favors. 

It could be something small like helping with a task or seeking their advice. 

By allowing them to contribute to your life, you create a sense of reciprocity and strengthen their interest in you.

3. Extend Eye Contact

Eye contact can be a powerful tool in building attraction. 

Research suggests that prolonged eye contact increases the likelihood of falling in love. 

When engaging in conversation, maintain eye contact for a few seconds longer than usual. 

This signals your interest and creates a deeper connection. 

However, be sure to be respectful and avoid making the other person uncomfortable.

4. Expect Great Things from Him 

The Pygmalion Effect, also known as the self-fulfilling prophecy, states that people tend to conform to the expectations placed upon them. 

Believe in his positive qualities and anticipate kindness and generosity from him. 

By setting high expectations, you inspire him to live up to them and be the best version of himself.

5. Use Reverse Psychology

Employing reverse psychology can create intrigue and make a guy chase you. 

Instead of pursuing him directly, allow him to make the first move. For instance, if you run into an ex, refrain from bringing up your past relationship. 

Let him initiate contact and, if he suggests being friends, casually mention that it's a nice idea. 

This unexpected response can pique his curiosity and reignite his pursuit.

6. Be the Best Version of Yourself 

Confidence and self-assurance are incredibly attractive qualities. 

Strive to be the best version of yourself both physically and psychologically. 

Show him that you're comfortable in your own skin and radiate positivity. 

Engage in conversations that interest him, and always wear a smile to convey your enjoyment of his company. 

By being your authentic self, you'll become irresistible to him.

7. Maintain a Healthy Balance

While it's important to invest time and effort into the relationship, also maintain a healthy balance between the relationship and other aspects of your life. 

Don't neglect your own needs, friendships, or hobbies. 

By maintaining a well-rounded life, you not only stay fulfilled but also demonstrate that you have a rich and diverse world beyond the relationship.

8. Share His Values, Interests, and Characteristics 

People are naturally drawn to those who reflect their beliefs and experiences. 

Take the time to understand his values, interests, and characteristics, and find common ground. 

If he's a rebel, show your rebellious side too. 

Discuss topics that matter to both of you, and highlight shared experiences. 

This shared attraction will create a deeper connection and make him feel understood.

9. Be Welcoming and Friendly 

Create a warm and inviting atmosphere around you. 

People are naturally drawn to those who are friendly and approachable. 

Show genuine interest in him and make him feel comfortable in your presence. 

When he feels at ease, he'll be more likely to open up and develop a deeper connection with you.

10. Don't Rush into Intimacy

While physical intimacy is important in a relationship, it's essential not to rush into it too quickly. 

By withholding sex in the early stages, you create a sense of anticipation and value. 

Communicate that you want to get to know him better before taking that step. 

This approach makes him see you as a high-value woman and motivates him to work harder to win your affections.

11. Light Touches 

Subtle physical contact can ignite sparks of attraction. 

Offer gentle touches on his back, arm, shoulder, or leg during your interactions. 

These innocent gestures can create a deeper connection and trigger reciprocal touches from him. 

However, be mindful of personal boundaries and ensure that both parties are comfortable with physical contact.

12. Embrace Spontaneity

Break the routine and surprise him with unexpected gestures or adventures. 

Embracing spontaneity injects excitement and novelty into the relationship. 

Plan spontaneous date nights, surprise him with small gifts, or suggest spontaneous outings to keep the spark alive.

13. Positive Reinforcement 

Provide positive reinforcement for his actions and behaviors that align with your desires. 

Acknowledge and appreciate his efforts and let him know how they positively impact your relationship. 

Positive reinforcement encourages the repetition of desired behaviors.

14. Mystery and Intrigue 

Maintain an element of mystery and intrigue to keep him fascinated. Don't reveal everything about yourself upfront. 

Allow him to discover new layers of your personality and interests gradually. 

This sense of discovery creates an air of excitement and keeps him engaged in getting to know you on a deeper level.

15. Authenticity

Be genuine and true to yourself. 

Authenticity is attractive and creates a strong foundation for a lasting connection. 

Avoid pretending to be someone you're not or exaggerating your interests to please him. 

Embrace your unique qualities and let your true self shine.

16. Emotional Support 

Offer emotional support and understanding when he faces challenges or difficult situations. 

Be a source of comfort and encouragement, showing empathy and compassion. 

Your support during his tough times will strengthen the emotional bond between you.

17. Maintain Your Independence 

While it's important to foster a connection, don't lose sight of your own goals and aspirations. 

Maintain your independence and pursue your passions. 

This not only keeps you fulfilled and happy but also shows him that you have a rich and fulfilling life beyond the relationship.

18. Positive Attitude 

Cultivate a positive attitude and outlook on life. 

Positivity is contagious and attractive. 

It draws people towards you and creates a joyful atmosphere. 

When he sees that you radiate positivity, he'll associate those positive feelings with being around you.

19. Intellectual Stimulation 

Engage in stimulating conversations and intellectual discussions. 

Demonstrate your knowledge and curiosity about various subjects. 

Intellectual stimulation fosters a deeper connection and keeps the relationship exciting and fulfilling.

20. Support His Dreams 

Show genuine interest and support in his aspirations, goals, and dreams. 

Be his cheerleader and encourage him to pursue what makes him happy. 

Your support will make him feel valued and appreciated, strengthening the emotional bond.

21. Maintain Boundaries 

While it's important to be open and vulnerable, also maintain healthy boundaries. 

Respect your own needs and ensure that he respects them too. 

Boundaries create a sense of self-worth and mutual respect within the relationship.

22. Display Confidence 

Confidence is attractive and captivating. 

Believe in yourself and showcase your self-assurance. 

Walk with poise, speak with clarity, and carry yourself with confidence. 

Your self-assured demeanor will make him see you as a strong and desirable partner.

23. Show Appreciation

Express genuine gratitude and appreciation for the things he does for you. 

Whether it's small gestures or significant efforts, let him know that you notice and value his contributions to the relationship. 

Appreciation strengthens the emotional connection and fosters a sense of partnership.

24. Engage in Shared Activities 

Participate in activities and hobbies that you both enjoy. 

Engaging in shared experiences creates shared memories and deepens the bond between you. 

Find common interests and plan outings or adventures together.

25. Maintain a Sense of Individuality

While fostering a connection, it's crucial to retain your sense of individuality. 

Embrace your unique qualities, maintain your personal interests, and spend time pursuing your own passions. 

This keeps the relationship dynamic and allows each of you to grow as individuals.

26. Support His Independence 

Just as you maintain your independence, encourage him to pursue his own goals and interests. 

Give him space and support his need for personal growth. 

By nurturing his independence, you show him that you respect and value him as an individual.

27. Emotional Intelligence 

Develop your emotional intelligence to understand and empathize with his feelings. 

Be attuned to his emotional needs and provide comfort and support when he's going through challenging times. 

Emotional intelligence strengthens the emotional bond and fosters a deeper connection.

28. Practice Patience 

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a strong relationship. 

Be patient and allow the connection to develop naturally. 

Avoid rushing milestones or putting pressure on the relationship. 

Allow it to grow organically, fostering a solid foundation based on trust and understanding.

29. Maintain a Positive Self-Image 

Embrace self-love and self-care. 

When you radiate confidence and positivity about yourself, you become even more attractive to others. 

Take care of your physical and mental well-being, engage in activities that make you happy, and prioritize self-care. 

When you have a positive self-image, others are naturally drawn to your magnetic energy.

30. Be a Good Listener 

Show genuine interest in his thoughts, opinions, and experiences. 

Be an attentive listener, allowing him to express himself freely. 

Engage in meaningful conversations and provide a safe space for him to share his emotions. 

Being a good listener creates a deep sense of connection and trust.


Congratulations! You have now learned 30 Secret Ways to Make Men Obsessed Over You using Psychology. 

These strategies are based on psychological principles and have the potential to create a deep and genuine connection with the man you desire. 

However, it's important to approach these techniques with sincerity, respect, and authenticity.

Remember, the goal is not to manipulate or control someone's emotions, but to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship. 

Take the time to determine your own desires and ensure that the person you're pursuing aligns with your values and long-term vision.

However, always prioritize open communication, mutual respect, and genuine connection in any relationship. 

It's essential to remember that building a strong and lasting connection requires effort from both partners.

So, take these psychology-based strategies as tools to enhance your connection and attraction, but never lose sight of the importance of honesty, respect, and a true emotional bond. 

With the right approach and a genuine connection, you have the power to make any man obsessed with you.

Thank you and best of luck on your journey to capturing the heart of the man you desire.

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This Article was reviewed by:

Emily Rodriguez, armed with a Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, is a seasoned writer specializing in relationships and interpersonal dynamics.

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