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How To Make Your Man Want You More Than Ever - In 8 Easy Steps

Learning how to make your man want you more can completely transform your relationship.

Women love it when they feel that man just can't get enough of them. We crave to be adored and most of them don't have the first clue about how to make that happen. 

Women tend to leave it all in fate's hands and then get discouraged and disappointed when a man doesn't treat them exactly the way they want.

If your goal is to get him to want you more than he's ever wanted another woman, you can make that happen. 

You have the power to make yourself utterly irresistible to him and it's not that hard to accomplish at all.

Understanding how to make your man want you more starts with recognizing that throwing yourself at a man's feet isn't the way to his heart. 

Women constantly confuse what they find appealing for what men find appealing. 

As much as women absolutely love it if a man proclaimed his undying love for them, men just don't find that charming if it happens too early in the relationship. 

Your man wants to chase you. He wants to catch you. He doesn't want you to give yourself to him too easily or early. 

Playing hard to get may seem like a dating tactic better left to your grandmother's generation, but it's not. 

It works wonders now as well. Pace yourself when it comes to sharing your emotions with your man. 

Take your time and make him work for your affection. It will definitely make him want you all the more.

You must also be mindful of the fact that men don't find it attractive when a woman shares every last detail of herself with him. 

When you're too forthcoming with information it makes him feel overwhelmed. 

He wants to work to get to know you and he wants to discover things about you on his own. 

Women who keep an air of mystery about themselves are the ones who can capture the heart of any man they choose. 

Allow him the chance to uncover fun and interesting facts about you. 

He'll be more intrigued and it will captivate him completely.

There is a fact in the saying 'the world is not enough'. 

Even though it is an amazing feeling to be in love with a man who you know adores you the most in life. 

But even in such cases the men are not always as affectionate and attentive as you would want them to be. 

If you are not happy with the level of devotion he shows towards you, you don't have to be disheartened. Every problem has a solution.

There are things you should know about how to make him want you more. 

The most important thing to understand is how he views you now.

If you find your man to be a changed person from what he was in the beginning of your relationship then you are not the only woman to have noticed that. 

Men love the thrill in the chase of a woman. Usually that thrill goes off when they get the woman. 

If you want to get back the man that he was, all you have to do is remind him how it felt to not be sure he had you yet. 

When making a plan for how to make him want you more this should be the first strategy. 

The simplest and most effective way of putting this strategy in action is to not be available to him always when he wants to get together.

Make plans every now and then that don't include him. And do not cancel those plans every time he wants to meet you. 

Let him work hard to earn a few moments of your busy schedule.

To maintain a relationship or to make it deeper, a woman must not only be able to get a man's attention but to keep it. 

To do that, she must be able to maintain his interest.

These principles right here will help you in your journey on how to make your man want you more than ever:

1. Self-confidence 

A woman must learn to love herself. Self-confidence stands out more than beauty. 

If she is confident, she will be able to make heads turn and keep her man's emotional gaze riveted on her. 

He would also try harder to "keep" what's "his" if he realizes that others are also very much interested.

Men like to chase a woman of value, who knows how to carry herself, and you can do this by making the most of yourself in many aspects,: physically by bringing out the best in you, dressing feminine but confident; SMILE; having confidence by being good at something, whether about work, or sports, or hobby. 

Being confident and preoccupied with something you are good at makes a man feel you can hold out on your own and thus not too clingy.

2. Emotional Maturity 

A woman must be able to keep her emotions in check, and she must express these emotions with dignity and maturity. 

Whining, complaining, and outburst wouldn't help in making him want a woman more.

3. Being Physically Attractive 

A woman must be conscious of herself physically. She must be clean and fresh-smelling. 

She must not wear something that's uncomfortable, instead it must be something that compliments her looks and character. 

To catch a man's attention, it doesn't hurt to have a change of appearance every now and then.

To shower a man with love you need to show him that you are physically attracted to him. 

Never hesitate to flirt with him, give him sexy compliments and don't hesitate to give him sexy treats. 

This will make him very happy and will show him that you love him a lot.

4. Being Romantic

A man's idea of romance is sensual and sexy. Be a tease. 

Simple things and subtle cues can make a man go gaga. 

Flirt with him like it was "back then". You must also learn to be spontaneous and adventurous. 

Be fun by spicing up the relationship and by trying out new things together. 

This will make the relationship more enjoyable and keep it from becoming routinary.

A sweeping, lingering look beneath your eyelashes; a half-smile; or a flip of your hair. 

These things, when done right, are irresistible and very, very seductive. 

Knowing the art of seduction can help you snag just about any guy you want. 

What guy can resist a girl who makes the menial task of brushing her hair sexy?

5. Be a Caring Partner

A man falls for a woman because of how she makes him feel about himself. Love him in his entirety. 

You must show him that you deeply care for him.

When you want to shower your man with love you will have to show him your appreciation of him. 

Show him that you value the things that he does for you and how much his contribution in your life matters to you. 

Your appreciation will make him see your love for him.

To shower a man with love you need to make him see that you genuinely care for him. 

When you show him that things and people who matter to him matter to you and you try to keep them happy, your man feels truly loved.

6. Good Sense of Humor

Having the ability to make a man laugh is a good seduction secret to make him want you more, and it makes good sense, laughing releases feel-good hormones and makes a person comfortable and at ease with you. 

It is not merely memorizing jokes and tending to try too hard, but having the ability to naturally blend funny incidents and lines into a conversation. 

If you have trouble with this, get into the habit of watching comedy shows or movies or recall funny events in your life. 

Be around people who have this sense of humor. Learn to have fun and make light of a situation.

7. Being Supportive 

Giving support to a man is not the same as shadowing him and trying to make him feel better. 

Sometimes, it is better to simply leave him alone to sort things out by himself. 

Give him space, let him be with his friends, and don't push him against his will.

8. Be Independent 

A woman must have time for herself, to do the things she wants, and also being with her own friends. 

If she isn't available for him all the time, he would want to be with her more. 

Being there at his every whim will not give him the chance to miss her.

If you want to know how to make him want you more you really need to keep your independence. 

This includes focusing on your own career and goals. Men want a woman who is interested in more than just him. 

If you keep your life full with many things, he'll work that much harder to make sure he's always a part of it.

It is in knowing, loving and respecting oneself that a man would want a woman more than he already does.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him want You more than ever and give You The World. 

There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men.

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This Article was reviewed by:

Emily Rodriguez, armed with a Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, is a seasoned writer specializing in relationships and interpersonal dynamics.

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